Friday, February 7, 2014

     Hello everyone, and welcome to... Meapz4Science! Today we will talk about... Should I even say it? Okay, we will talk about.... Uranus. "HA HA HA HA!" Science Cat, what are you... I won't even ask. Will you at least help me? "Sure. I'd love to talk about URANUS! Ha Ha!" Okay, first of all, it's not that funny. Second of all, I say it like (YOOR-ahnus) not (urANUS)! "Okay, okay. I'll try and calm down... hue hue hue." Ugh. Anyways, let's just start already!
     Alright, first we will talk about its name origin. "Who would want to name a planet that?!" I think it didn't meant what it does today back then. Anyways, it was named after the Greek God of the Sky. So yeah.
     Okay, now we will talk about the planet itself. Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun. Uranus is also a gas giant. "He He." Science Cat! If you can't hold it together, you will have to leave! Okay? "Jeez, are you fun at all?" I am- never mind. Uranus is also considered an ice giant because it has a lot of ice in its mantle. Its atmosphere contains hydrogen and helium and a little bit of methane, which gives it that blue green color you see.
     Uranus has rings too, just very dark faint rings. Uranus also has around 21 moons. They are all named after Shakespearean characters. One of its moons, Titania, might have diamonds on it. "Oh! Can we steal them? We'd be rich and they would be all to ourselves!" No we can't, Science Cat! Okay, Let's move on.
     "There is one more characteristic you forgot!" I was getting to that, Science Cat! Uranus is tilted on its side! "I'll bet it just wanted to take a nap." Planets don't take naps! Scientists think a huge collision with another object tipped Uranus. "..." Uh, you ok Sciece Cat? You don't have to talk about Uranus if you don't want to. "... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Sorry, hehe. I just needed it out of my system." SCIENCE CAT! Anyway,That's all for today! I'm Emma The Meap, "And I'm Science Cat," And we will see you next time. PEACE!!!