Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hello everyone, and welcome to... Meapz4Science! Today, we will talk about something so immense, It makes up most of our universe! Today, we will talk about... Galaxies!!! We will talk about their shapes, and what they are, and so much more! Let's go!!!
Man, we do this a LOT now! Technology, baby!
Alright, we are here. You might ask, what the heck is a galaxy in the FIRST place? Galaxies are huge group of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity. We have over 10,000 galaxies in the whole universe. And there can be anywhere from 10 million to 1 trillion stars in each galaxy! That is a LOT to wish on! I'm kidding. Anyways, let's start out with the smallest type of galaxy, the Irregular Galaxy, such as this one:
Irregular galaxies are very small, and contain only young stars. It is what the name implies. It has no real shape. Not a single irregular galaxy looks like another. That is REALLY cool! Anyways, the next galaxy is the Spiral Galaxy, such as this one:
 Spiral galaxies are what we all think of when we think of galaxies. They are like pinwheels in space. They also contain middle-aged stars. The next one we have is the Barred Spiral Galaxy, Such as our own Milky Way.
Barred spiral galaxies are basically spiral galaxies with the bulge being a bar to which arms spiral out of. Lastly, there is the Elliptical Galaxy, such as this one:
Elliptical galaxies are sort of like spheres of stars. Also, they contain old stars. Anyways, scientists believe that there is a super massive black hole in the middle of every galaxy. We have to go back home to talk to someone very important. Edwin Hubble! Let's go!
Now we will have to time travel to when Hubble made his discoveries. Let's go!
Okay, we are here. Look! there is Edwin Hubble!
Awesome! I'm going to say hi!
 Me: Hi, Edwin Hubble! How are you today?
Hubble: I am the happiest man in the whole universe! I just made a HUGE discovery!
Me: Cool! What is that discovery?
Hubble: Well, I just discovered with my telescope that we are not the only galaxy out there!
Me: Oh, cool! That's great!
Hubble: That isn't even where it stops! I also found they are all flying away from each other!
Me: That is a HUGE discovery! Well, I have to go now! Bye!
Hubble: Okay. Bye!
Wow. That was eventful! Now, we will  talk about two things call the Redshift and the Blueshift. These have to do with the expansion of the galaxies. So we have to go into space again. Let's go!
Okay, we are now in space! Before we get into the different shifts, I need to tell you about Wavelengths. Wavelengths are literally the length between the top of one wave to the other. The redshifts and blueshifts have different wavelengths. The redshift occurs when a star starts to move away from us. It would emit light on the red side of the visible light spectrum. If it was moving towards us, it would emit blue light, creating the blueshift.
I think that is all for today. Let's go home.
Alright, we are now home. I hope you all learned a lot today. Also, feel free to check out my other blog posts on the Milky Way, Stars, and Black holes. I will see you next time. PEACE!!!



  1. good blog. everything was great but 2 things were negative. when u high lighted things in light blue, i could not read it. and there were no links. ur overall grade is a 80%

  2. you had grammer mistakes i like your pics and you had a lot of info. you got 14/20

  3. you had couple of grammar mistakes and you didn't have a links so I will give a 14/20

  4. you only covered like half the topics. you had some of the exact pictures as Alex and you repeated them over and over and over and over. it wasnt really original, Mari adn Alex did the exact same thing. overall

  5. Nice multimedia, like your personality shown. Also good informations but try to put links next time:) A

  6. Good writing stly, not many grammar mistakes, and you used hyperlinks, so good job. 90 (18/20)

  7. Awesomeness! good info andd pics 20/20

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
