Saturday, November 9, 2013

Mercury and Venus!!!
     Hello everyone! Welcome to... Meapz4Science! I know it has been a LONG time since my last post. I'm sorry. But today I have a new blog! It is on... Mercury and Venus! we will compare the two today. So we have to travel! Let's go!!!
     OK, we are here. So first we will talk about Mercury. Mercury is a planet in the inner part of our solar system, and it is the closest to the sun. Of course, everyone knows that. Let's get on to the stuff you may not know. It has an iron core, much like Earth. It is the smallest planet, being only slightly bigger than our moon, and it looks like our moon. It doesn't even have a moon! Talk about irony. Now let's get down to the more complicated stuff.
     Mercury is named after the Roman Messenger God. This is probably due to the fact that it is the fastest planet to orbit the sun, only taking about 88 Earth Days to orbit the sun! However, it rotates on its axis very slowly. A day on Mercury is 55 Earth days! A day is almost as long as its year! Because of this, it can get VERY hot and VERY cold. a day on Mercury can get as hot as 430 degrees Celsius. that can melt lead! On the other hand, nights on mercury can get to -173 degrees Celsius! Wow, that is cold.
     Okay, now we are going to talk about Venus. Venus is the second planet in our solar system. Venus is the sixth largest planet in the solar system. Venus is also named after the Roman God of love and beauty. It's a shame it was HORRIBLY named! Venus is closer to the sun than Earth, so it is a LOT hotter. It can get to 400 degrees Celsius. However, unlike Mercury, it has an atmosphere. That is what makes it so hot. Carbon Dioxide makes up most of its atmosphere, about 96%. A day on Venus is about eight months on Earth. That is a LONG day! However, you can almost never see the sun on Venus. There is always a super-thick cloud.
Okay, now let's head back.
      Well, I hope you have all enjoyed this blog. Again, I am SOOO sorry With the lack of posts lately, I have been busy. Anyway, I'm Emma The Meap, and I will see you next time. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. You said Venus was hotter than Mercury. Yet Mercury is 430 degrees, and Venus is 400 degrees. Shouldn't Mercury be hotter?
