Thursday, August 22, 2013

Scientific Method
Hello everyone, and welcome to... Meapz4Science! My name is Emma The Meap. First, I want to say that this is my VERY first post, so it might kind of be a bit horrible...:P so dont judge plz :D. Anyways, today I will be talking about the SCIENTIFIC METHOD!! For ANYTHING science-related, this is very vital. You should all know what the steps are, and if you don't, what the heck? Lol jk:).If you dont already know them, here they are:
1) Identify the problem
2)Form a hypothesis
3) Create an expiriment
4)Perform the expiriment
5)Analyze the Data
6) Draw a conclusion
7) Communicate the results
Okay, we all good? Now that you know what they are, I can get into more depth.
INTENTIFY THE PROBLEM: What do you want to know? What is it that boggles your mind? You can find out yourself by making observations. Oh, also don't forget to state it in the form of a question(no, this isn't Jeopardy:3).
FORM A HYPOTHESIS: Okay, so now you have your problem. what do YOU think is going to happen? Predict it!
CREATE AND PERFORM AN EXPIRIMENT: First, develop what you are going to do. Then, you DO IT! Jk.

 ANALYZE THE DATA: Look at your results. Do they even make sense? If not, then modify your expiriment. Once you are past that, you move on.

DRAW A CONCLUSION: Sum up what you learned from your expiriment. Thats pretty much all I can really say.:P

Alright all you peeps out there, I'm gonna say goodbye now. I'm Emma The Meap, and I will see you next time. PEACE!!!


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