Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Big BANG! theory
Hello everyone. I hoped you liked my first blog. If you did, you will LOVE this one. Anyways, welcome to... Meapz4Science! Today, we will be going back in time. Back to 14 billion years ago. Back... TO THE BIG BANG! Here we go...

Woah! this is really TRIPPY!!!
Okay, we are here. What do you see? Nothing? That is right! 14 billion years ago, the universe was in that tiny little dot over there. It is called a singulartity. Think, every thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE IN THAT ONE THING! It look like it about to explode, you say? That's because it is. Oh gosh! RUN!!!
WOW!! It is HOT!!! Around 10,000 million million MILLION degrees. I know. Is that even a NUMBER? Oh, it is starting to cool down. Look! The first galaxies!
WOW! I know. Cool, huh? Anyways, see how they are all expanding? Alright, enough explosions for now. Let's go to when somebody realized this is what happened.
 Alright, here we are. Hey, there is Georges Lemaitre!
 He is the one who came up with this theory. He is a priest and astronomer. There was another theory battling his. It was the steady state theory. It says matter was just kind of, there. Anyways, let's go to a different time.

Hey, I'm getting used to this.
Alright. See over there? That is Edwin Hubble.
He was actually able to see the galaxies expanding With his observatory. What a lucky man! He inspires us all, doesn't he?Anyways, Let's go home.

Man, this is now NOTHING!
Alright, we are home. I really hope you learn a lot from this. I want to say that I am sorry if I offended anyone with this, as far as religions go. Anyways That's all for today. I'm Emma The Meap, and I will see you next time. PEACE!!!

1 comment:

  1. i love your blog especially the time travel o and hi emmoos
