Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Milky Way Galaxy!
Hello everyone! As far as I know, now time traveling today. Anyways, welcome to... Meapz4Science! Today, we will be talking about the Milky Way Galaxy! And not the candy bar! So, yeah! Anyways, Lets get started! This time, we will be traveling outside the Milky Way Galaxy! Why do I keep doing that? Anyways, let's go!

Oh my gosh, that was amazing! Anyways, we are here, looking down on our Milky Way Galaxy! Jeez, I REALLY need to stop that! Anyways, look at our home galaxy!
Isn't it just BEAUTIFUL? There are somewhere around 200 to 400 BILLION stars in it! Think about back on Earth. At night,  our galaxy looks white and milky. That is why it is called the Milky Way Galaxy! Why do I do that?! Anyways, see how it is all spiraly? Can you also see the bar around the middle? That is why it is called a Barred-Spiral Galaxy. Such as this one:

Can you see the giant clump in the middle? That is called a Spherical Bulge. It contains a bunch of stars.The outside of our galaxy has a giant halo.

No, not THAT kind of halo. A halo of stars.

There we go! Also, four major arms,( the spirals that you see) and several minor ones, spiral around the bulge in an area known as the Disk. We are located in the Orion Arm.

Our galaxy is made up of Dark Matter. I won't go into detail about what dark matter is. It is matter that has gone to the dark side. I'm just kidding. It is really an unknown substance. Scientists really don't know what it is. And NO, I did not JUST FORGET IT!

This right here all around you is dark matter. Even though it's very bright! Hold on. Let me check something.... Aha! Today is your lucky day! we get to time travel. This time, to the FUTURE! Here we go!

Woah! Deja Vu!!!
We are 150 million years into the future! Where do see our Earth now? Not where it was before? That is because it is all the way over there.

Let's travel a little further.

This will never get old. HA Ha! Get it? Oh well. Anyways, we are now 250 million years into the future! Now it is back where it was! The time it takes for earth to orbit our galaxy is a Galactic Year. The reason it takes that long is the Milky Way Galaxy is a true giant. It would take light 100,000 years to get across it. Oh, and yep, Our galaxy spins. Let's go Back so I can show you why.

Back... TO THE PAST!
Alright. Remember, we are still in space. Let's ZOOM IN on the bulge.

I'm going to be sick!
Here we are. Oh my Gosh! Look! the stars are getting sucked into that BLACK HOLE!

Wow! Scientists believe this is why our galaxy spins. A black hole is the result of a star that has collapsed.

Awwww, the black hole is a little baby! Anyways, I think we covered everything. Time to go home.

I am getting used to this also.
Alright, we are back. I hope you learned a lot today. Don't forget this. Also, don't forget to check out my good friend Alex. her blog is Science Meap. Anyways, I have to go. PEACE!!!

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