Thursday, September 19, 2013

Black Holes!!!
Hello everyone! This blog post is going to be a little bit shorter than my others, but I'm doing my best. Anyways, welcome to... Meapz4Science! Today, we will be talking about black holes! Very mysterious! I would travel, but you wouldn't be able to see it. Oh what the heck? Let's go!
Here we are! Now, what are black holes? No one can really say, but we think they are regions of the universe that are so dense, it sucks a bunch of stuff into it! It will stay there forever! Oh no!!
 Now, here is a question we all have: How the heck did that thing even GET here? Scientists believe there are two ways a black hole can form:
1)The death of a really big STAR. A star is like a fire. They need fuel to burn. When the fuel runs out, the star collapses in on itself, forming a black hole.
2)This happens when TONS of matter comes together in one dense spot. It could get so tight, it too collapses.

Can you really see the black hole? If you answered yes, you are lying. You cannot see a black hole, well, because it is black. What makes it black is that its gravitational pull is so strong, not even light can escape! Black holes have what is called an EVENT HORIZON. It is basically the point of no escape. If you go past there, you're toast.

No person could ever survive a trip down there. You would get ripped into the little atoms that make you up in no time. Let's not even try! Well, either that, or  you would go through a thing called "spaghettification". I know, crazy name. What happens is you go in head-first. Your head exhibits more pull than your feet. It begins to stretch you out like a long thin strand of pasta. All we need now is some sauce!
Do you see the universe around you? That, my friend, is something scientists call "Space-Time". It's like the fabric that makes up space. That's it! Think of a cloth. If we put a tennis ball on the cloth, (representing the sun) it would deform the fabric a little, right? Ok, now imagine we put a bowling ball on the cloth(representing a black hole). It would deform it a LOT! Oh no! I think it just... might... *RIP!* Oh my gosh! It tore a hole through the cloth! That is what happens with a black hole. It creates a hole in space-time.
 All this talk about blankets and stuff rally is making me tired. Let's go home.
 Alright, we are back on Earth. Away from all those black holes!
Anyways, I hope you learned a lot from this. I'm Emma The Meap, and I will see you next time. PEACE!!!


  1. Hi emma i like the way that you had graphs to explan what your talking about. the thing that could be better is you could use your own words a little more.

  2. Emma youe info was all about the topic. your pictures were cool they went with your info great job emmoos!

  3. I love the pics like always you added the aduince in to the blog. You need to add lonks so if I were a teacher i would say a B+

  4. great job. like the info and graphs to explain what you are talking about. very helpful! i rate it 10 out of 10!

  5. good job. great info easy to understand.

  6. the pictures were good and the info was good 2, but I would add less pictures. Overall great.

  7. It was good it had lots and lots of pics and the info was good. There was no links for the pics and info though so had some next time. Grade B+
