Sunday, December 8, 2013

Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors!
     Hello everyone, and welcome to... Meapz4Science! Today, we will compare a bunch of objects in our solar system! What I'm talking about are Comets(my personal favorite), asteroids, and meteors! We will compare and contrast all three. Let's get started!
     Okay, now that we are started, let's first talk about how they are all similar. They all are in space-"Like DUH!" Science meap, what are you doing here? "I am here to save the world! To teach about ROCKS in SPACE!" Okay... as long as you are going to help. "Okay, sure." Okay. Let's keep going.

     As I was saying, They are all in our Solar System. They all can either get close to the Earth's atmosphere, or can go throught the atmosphere and hit Earth. "Pick me! Pick me!" What, Science Meap? "When a meteor is not in our atmosphere, it is a Meteoroid. When it passes through the atmosphere, it is a meteor." Well, what happens then? "Most meteors burn up when they it the atmosphere. If they don't, and they hit the ground, they are a meteorite." Is that why most meteorites are small? "Yep." Cool, thank you Science Meap. "No problem." Let's move on. They all have at least some rock or dust in them. Now Let's move on to comets. "I like comets!" I know you do.

     Let's talk about how comets are different from asteroids and meteors. First, they contain ice in them. None of the others do. "They also are called 'Dirty Snowballs' because they have ice and dirt in them." Thank you. They also have a tail. "Do they chase it?" Wha..Th... No! They aren't dogs! "I'm only trying to help. Jeez." Actually, you made me think of something about their tail. "I TOLD you they chase it!" Not that! When they orbit the sun, the tail always points away from the sun because of solar wind. "Can I fly a kite with the wind?" No! Why do I even bother? " I don't know! I'm not a mind reader." *Sigh* Anyways, let's move on to asteroids.
     Asteroids are big chunks of rocks that float about in space. "They can also contain minerals." There are three categories of asteroids- "also known as meteoroids"- Based on what they are made of. Will you tell us, Science Meap? "I'd be glad to ! They are stony, iron, and stony-iron. Guess which one has iron in it?" The iron one. Anyways, the stony asteroid contains mostly rock and stone, - "The iron contains, well, iron," and the stony-iron have both in them.

     Next on our list is... "Meteors!" Darn it, Science meap! I was going to say it! Anyways, meteors are essentially asteroids that have entered the Earth's atmosphere. "They are a LOT smaller though." Many meteors just burn up immediately when they hit the Earth's atmosphere. "But sometimes they do hit the Earth. And when they do, it is a meteorite." Thank you. Anyways, we hope you all enjoyed. I'm Emma The Meap, "And I'm Science Meap," And we will see you next time. PEACE!!!

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