Sunday, December 1, 2013

Meapz4Science News!
     Hello everyone, and welcome to another Meapz4Science News! Today, we will be going over an article called "King of Gore" by Janet Raloff. We will go to the paleontologists to find out their new discovery about dinosaurs! Apparently the think this new species is more menacing than the T-Rex.
     About 90 million years ago, two-footed meat-eating dinosaurs were starting to undergo big changes. They were adapting to conditions in what is now the western United States.The best known of these types of beasts would be the ferocious Tyrannosaurus Rex. But some of its ancestors also would have been a
terror throughout the countryside. What I'm talking about is the Lythronax argestes, a new found addition to the T-Rex family, and it’s the "oldest" of the bunch. If you aren't terrified already, its Greek name says it all: Gore King of the Southwest. How is THAT not horrifying?

     The fossil they found of Lythronax in southern Utah is a juvenile, and is roughly 24 feet from snout to tail. That is already big. Not big enough for you? Here's some more size. Lythronax adults could have topped out at around 35 feet long according to the scientists. That would make it about 80 to 85 percent as big as a T. Rex. THAT is BIG! Lythronax can also help scientists determine more about dinosaurs. I have a feeling this might lead to more discoveries and new species.

     Alright, I hope you all enjoyed another Meapz4Science News! I will be doing more of these later. I think this article is very interesting. I'm always eager to learn more about life's past and its secrets. Well, that's all for today. I'm Emma The Meap, and I will see you next time. PEACE!!!

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